What time is it? Why its time to procrastinate avoid all that grading. ( I am making good progress. ) So Harry's Christmas concert was a disaster on my part. Harry did fine. I left the house early enough to arrive a bit early, but not too close to the start. I knew Aidan was going to be a handful, so I did not want there to be too much time for him to decide it was fine time to melt down. I brought some trains just in case. When I arrive it is standing room only. I was lucky enough to find a seat - waaaay in the back in the middle of a row. Parents were standing in the aisles, in the back - it was a full house. Then the teachers asked that the parents not stand in the aisles since the children would be entering from that direction. Anyway, eventually in marched all 90 kindergarteners. I could not tell if they entered from both sides of the gym, but I completely missed Harry's entrance, and then when all 90 kindergarteners arrived - the teachers sat them down in front of the stage. There were all of 5 older kids on the stage. So this meant I could see NOTHING. This is not including the chaos that Aidan can bring to most situations. Once they started singing, I was able to scoot to the front of the row, and I tried and tried in vain to spy Harry. I searched all 90 little faces until finally there he was! I have about 30 seconds of bumpy video that looks like I am about to prove the existence of Bigfoot. Then Aidan made a dash for the stage. You can only imagine how it went from there.
I collected Aidan and left. We waited in the Foyer with the other moms with impossible toddlers and waited for the show to end. I was very miffed at the whole situation. Not just Aidan being a pain in the ass - but the poor planning of the event. Then I started to wonder - for who is this for, is this for my benefit or Harry's or both? A piece of theatre without an audience is not really theatre is it?
When he does Shakespeare, I will book well in advance and leave Aidan with some kind strangers.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
Frustrating, isn't it? Abby's summer theater class had single level seating (not theater style seating) so we could see NOTHING. Katie started screaming, so Chris "watched" from the hall. At Sarah's pre-K program this week, Katie slept on my lap while I tried to tape. Then, I encountered major technical difficulties--the fully-charged battery died after one song and the digital camera only held three images. I'm so sad I don't have video of her last preschool program. Anyway, school programs are exciting for the kids and exhausting for the parents. Sarah was heart broken that I didn't have more video--and watched the song I did tape over and over and over again yesterday.
"about 30 seconds of bumpy video that looks like I am about to prove the existence of Bigfoot."
Great line! Cool story.
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