Back to the old grind as they say - It's 8:37 am. Today is Harry's "Holiday Concert". Last year, during Owen's concert, a class sang about the Baby Jesus, but there was not much mention of any other traditions which celebrate this time of the year - such as Chanukah or Kwanza, nor were there any Druids or Wiccans milling about. So, why it's called a Holiday Concert is still quite beyond me. The interesting part of Harry's Holiday concert, will be Aidan interestingly enough. This will be the first year that I will have to drag Aidan along with me, since, for those of you who follow - his daycare did indeed close. We have care arranged for January, so he and I are hanging out for the time being. Anyway, Aidan is not the sit down and dissolve into the background kind of guy. So, my full intention is to hope that Harry is first, hope that Aidan will cooperate for at least Harry's acting debut and then make a clean getaway.
The same will of course be true for Owen's Holiday Concert on Thursday.
So, I have sufficiently procrastinated this morning. I'd like to welcome Kimberly to the Big Picture community. Hope I have fulfilled your procrastination needs for the day!
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
Eric, The thought of bringing the video camera sounds like a good one, but another part of me is hesitant because I know that Aidan will want to run around like a little monkey. I'll give it a whirl. I suppose this is the best I can do!
We had a holiday party at my son's school. There were costumes and ethnic dishes from many of the different cultures, but no mention of ANY holiday. I wish they'd just do their "diversity day," which was a nice party but had nothing to do with holidays, at a different time of year...
I agree Cheryl! I think its silly to ignore whats really happening around us, and pretend its just not happening. Whats wrong about learning about the history/culture of all the traditions - which would include diverse cultures, customs practices, beliefs and rituals? We all know that the "Christmas Tree" was not a tradiiton originating from the Middle East.. I say Keep Christ in Christmas, but also keep the Pagans, Wiccans, Druids, Jews, Muslim (etc!!) in it as well!
Holiday concert? And they said there aint no sanity clause? Hotboy p.s. sorry if that didn't make any sense at all!
thanks heather for the welcome!
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