Sunday, November 23, 2008

Getting out the oil

Everything seems a bit rusted...including my desire to ramble about things in general. Think I am going to give this a whirl again.

Just a brief historical analysis, one which I have thought about often...
I no longer work at the unnamed university that gave me so much grief. I mourned for a while - but lost my voice, or regained a new one, or something to that effect. Blogging is an odd thing - I felt neglectful, yet unmotivated to write through the silence. After a while, the nagging thoughts disappeared entirely. And suddenly today, I just thought it was time to resurrect the Big Picture.

Oh, and the other reason, is that I was worried that my new employer was reading it. Not that I had anything to hide, it was more or less that uneasy feeling of being watched. I was not sure where my narrative would go...

So I am working in the private sector, with the same said employer. Now I feel safe to guff. No more eyes are searching or watching. Not that I have anything particularly bad to say, but I have lots of evil thoughts about private enterprise. Bwah-ha ha!

More catching up to ensue I am sure. I feel like I am making up with an old lover. Feels very comfortable, but wrought with old patterns of the past.


MC Etcher said...

Heather! Welcome back, the internet has missed you.

Arwen said...

So nice to see you are back!